inside the bag

My photo
Hey my name is ________,______ and i just need some were to write all the crazy things that happend in my life(: my identity you might ask.. well thats a secret. Thats why all my pictures dont show my face

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

the next Cupid?

Hello my name is CUPID. LIE! You say. pshhh keep on reading and yull no why...Well Jason is one of my guy friends and i now he likes me but i also now he has a crush on my 12 yr old cousin Alyssa. Normaly id keep them as far away from eachother so i can get the attention but hes 12. So i told him you should ask her out and he said i will. Sooo umm yes i am CUPID. i hooked them up. I know how much she likes him i had to do something. (: xoxo

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